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2023-08-07 01:11:58
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!  我为大家介绍美国高中留学校园里常用英语单词,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。   美国高中校园常用词汇:ShengXueLi.com   宿舍House: 宿舍(House)
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!  我为大家介绍美国高中留学校园里常用英语单词,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。


  宿舍House: 宿舍(House)是又一个在美国寄宿学校中使用的英国名词。它描述在住宅或公寓的学生群体。这是美国寄宿学校的校风精髓,因为它提供社会框架和结构,使青少年在其中参与,竞争和享受一系列的社会活动。

  划船Crew: 这是一种古老的划船运动,在很多美国寄宿学校中非常流行。一般在春季和秋季提供。学校参与区域及国际分站赛。诸如查尔斯和亨利划船活动吸引着来自世界各地的赛艇运动员。

  舍监Dorm Master: 舍监负责和监督美国寄宿学校学生的宿舍生活,在许多方面,舍监成为一名代理家长,关心和指导善变的青少年稳定成长。

  室内运动场Fieldhouse: 室内运动场是一个术语,描述可以进行篮球、冰球和其它室内运动的场地。 许多寄宿学校的室内运动场和其他体育设施可以和高校相竞争。周三下午和周六全天一般寄宿学校中规定的体育运动时间。

  寄宿学校协会(The Association of Boarding Schools TABS): 寄宿学校协会(TABS)是大学预备学校和寄宿学校的公开机构,也是美国寄宿学校教育的核心资源。该协会为美国、加拿大和其它国家约300多所寄宿学校服务。TABS 作为学校和学生之间的桥梁,积极支持寄宿学校的需求,为家庭提供寄宿学校的信息和意见。


The secondary school education is a blind alley, going abroad is a good policy

But relatively speaking, the advantages of studying abroad at the university when it is meet the eye everywhere.

The shortcomings of a foreign gold content, reduce, anyway you want into a good school is a no, you are not easy to finish in the top one hundred schools, professional and not to your liking, anyhow there.

Disadvantages of the two, there are Chinese, Chinese too much, study abroad is the exercise of their independent living and personal study spirit and will go out one way. Now there are Chinese, then what is the learning atmosphere, to practice speaking circles are all Chinese. Do not move . " But now families have only one child, a money money immediately, one has the problem immediately find the relationship to help you solve, also talk about independent! Science ability, independent ability, self-control, and human communication ability, which has led to a garbage existence reason.

Of course, more obvious advantages

1 by the diploma for dinner, anyway, foreign than China's credit card is popular. Even if the home is also a returnees.

2advanced educational philosophy, advanced educational philosophy, is the domestic place cannot be compared. Anyway, China is still a developing country. We will have a better policy, but we now education has many problems. These are we going overseas to study compared to feel.


