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2023-08-05 18:20:53
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!第一篇:advantages:broaden one's horizons improve one's ability of independent character exerc

第一篇:advantages:broaden one's horizons

improve one's ability of independent character

exercise own english by living with foreigners

get knowledge of other country's culture

make friends with people from all other countries

disadvantages:cost a large amount of money

feel strong pressure from leaving away from home and too many assignments which are unfamiliar to you

maybe you will feel racial discrimination

the different weather and food will upset you

you cannot quickly adjust to the alien environment(especially at the very beginning)中文翻译:优势:开阔视野









你不能很快适应陌生的环境(特别是在开始时)第二篇:With the development of the national economy,Chinese people are getting richer and richer that their style of living and the way of thinking are changing in different ways.One of the great changes is that more and more parents incline to send their children abroad to get higher education which is quite different from the one in China.Some of them even send the sudents in middle school or elementary school to different countries.Therefore,we have lots of teenager students studying abroad.Personally I think,some of the teeagers are not mature enough to take care of themselves,especially some of them even have no ideas on how to study.They are not independent.When they are at home,they depend on their parents or grandparents.therefore,it is easy for them to get lost both in their life and in their study. My suggestion is that we should not send the teenagers abroad too early,and the best time for being abroad to study is after the graduation from the college or university.中文翻译:国民经济的发展,他们的样式居住和思维方式改变用不同的方式的中国人民变得越来越富有。其中一巨大变动是父母越来越倾斜送他们的孩子海外得到是相当与那个不同在中国有些甚而送sudents在中学或小学到不同的国家的高等教育。所以,我们有许多学习少年的学生海外。个人我不认为,某些teeagers不是足够成熟的照料他们自己,特别是有些甚而有关于怎样的想法学习。他们不是独立的。当 他们是在家,他们取决于他们的父母或grandparents.therefore,他们得到丢失了在他们的生活中和在他们的研究中是容易的。 我的建议是我们不应该送少年海外太及早,并且是的最佳的时期广泛学习是在从学院或大学的毕业以后。


Nowadays,many students went abroad to study. Some deem it is a good thing, but others disagree.Every cloud has it's silver lining.As for me,I prefer to go abroad.

Here are the disadvantages of going abroad.Firstly, students will be confronted with so many psychological problems. They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment. Furthermore, the tuition is very high, which is a very heavy financial burden to the average people.

But we also have many advantages of going abroad.It widens students' knowledge and horizons, and meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities.Since the reform and the policy of opening to the outside world, China has strengthened cooperation with many countries. As a result, the scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. And studying abroad can provide a good language environment to students and make it easy to pick up a language. Foreign language is a tool employed to communicate with each other. It can remove language barrier and make international cooperation much easier.

All in all,the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages greatly.Going abroad,we can learn a lot.It is a good opportunity to enrich ourselves.






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