您现在的位置是:首页» 留学» 攻略» 想学整形外科的话,去哪个国家留学比较好?


2023-08-20 02:52:53



 For college grads with an offer from a British university, August marks the final month of preparing to emerge into a whole new linguistic and cultural context. Apart from routine tasks such as applying for a visa and buying flight tickets, there are some other important tasks that students need to finish before setting off in order to have a smooth ride in their host country.




 Currency differences and related regulation mean it?s important to consider how to bring money into the destination country. The most common solutions are taking cash, or using bank drafts, traveler?s cheques, wire transfers and credit cards.


 These solutions all involve exchanging RMB into a foreign currency, therefore professionals suggest that students follow their target currency?s exchange rate in order to get a better price.


 ?Timing is important when buying a foreign currency,? Qiu Di, director of the fortune management center at a Beijing-based local branch of the Bank of China, told Xiaoxiang Morning Herald.


 For example, if the exchange rate of the RMB against the US dollar is going up, it?s wise to buy US dollars as late as possible, and vice versa. Some smartphone applications can help students follow the trend.


 Qiu suggests students start checking the exchange rate six months ahead of their departure date. If the exchange rate fluctuates and students aren?t sure about its trend, ?they should exchange several times to minimize the risk,? he said.


 After choosing the best time comes selecting the best place. Though the People?s Bank of China sets the exchange rate, different banks offer slightly different rates, so it?s best to compare them before making a purchase.


 Taking the money abroad is another tricky task. Although taking it in cash seems to be the easiest way, it?s neither safe nor practical. According to Chinese law, anyone going abroad can carry no more than the equivalent of 5,000 US dollars in foreign currency without permission.


 Therefore, professionals recommend that students incorporate several solutions: Bring cash that covers the living costs for the first several weeks, use a bank draft, traveler?s cheques or a wire transfer to pay for the tuition fees, and take a credit card in case of an emergency.




 In order to graduate with a preferable mark, students need to be well prepared academically. According to the British Council, courses in the UK are often in the form of lectures, seminars and tutorials. This approach to teaching allows students to absorb new knowledge and discuss ideas with the professor or their peers.


 Chinese students, however, many of whom are only familiar with lectures, tend to neglect the importance of seminars and tutorials. They don?t actively participate in seminar discussions and don?t make full use of the tutorials. ?What they don?t know is that daily performance often makes up as much as 40 percent of a student?s final score. This is largely determined by students? performance in seminars and the outcome of tutorial sessions,? said Lin Ying, manager of the UK department at Beijing JJL Overseas Education Consulting and Services Co Ltd.




 Packing is always a tough task for people who are going to travel far. This is especially true for students, since they are going to live in a foreign country.


 Many overseas education agencies provide a list of things students should bring to their destination country. Though these vary, they all mention that important documents should be kept in carry-on luggage. Students should also keep several copies of these documents in their check-in luggage.


 Other things students should take with them are any personal electronic devices, some clothes and shoes, and medicine. The British Council strongly recommends students take a list of emergency contacts and a list of everything they bring with them, just in case they get lost or lose their luggage.


 Many students wonder if they should bring cooking devices with them, such as rice cookers and knives, for example. Lin Ying, manager of the UK department at Beijing JJL Overseas Education Consulting and Services Co Ltd, says students should buy these things after they arrive in the destination country. ?It is easy to buy these things in British supermarkets. Besides, students can always buy second-hand cooking devices from their upperclassmen,? she said.




 There are two common accommodation options, namely university accommodation and private accommodation.


 If your course lasts for more than one year, you will be eligible for the former. If you apply in advance, the university will offer you a bedroom in a hall of residence, which has a member of staff living on the premises. Normally, the bedroom consists of a bed, desk, bookshelves and sometimes a sink. Other facilities, such as the kitchen and bathroom, are shared with the other tenants. Most halls have a lounge or a common room where students can chat and watch TV together.


 If you?re not eligible for university accommodation or you prefer a more cost effective solution, you can choose private accommodation. Students can get ?to let? information from the university welfare office, adverts around campus or on the Internet, and local estate agents. If you plan to rent, think about the utility costs, such as gas electricity and water, before you pay the deposit and sign the contract. According to Chen Jianqian, senior consultant at Amber Education, these costs can be high but are often overlooked by students.


 Chen suggests students take photos of the accommodation before they move in. ?There have been cases in which landlords charged students for not maintaining their accommodation properly, but because the students didn?t take photos they couldn?t refute the claims,? she said.



由于新加坡的卫生水准不断提高, 传染病减少,人民生活水准不断提高, 卫生服务良好, 卫生检查措施严格所致.政府和私人机构都能提供广泛的预防, 医疗, 复原等卫生保健服务, 政府大量津贴投向卫生保健服务, 以确保人人都能利用这些服务。当然,新加坡留学生也可以享受以下不错的的医疗服务。


政府综合诊疗所为国民全家大小提拱全面的卫生服务. 这些诊疗所都是设在主要的建屋发展局镇中心和住宅区里, 对公众人士很方诊疗所的服务包括妇孺保健, 免疫注射, B型肝炎等传染病的检验,老年人身体检查, X光检验和牙科治疗等。

新加坡留学生可以到那里看病,首次求诊的病人必须携带护照. 十二岁以下的儿童须携带出出生证书,病人在办完登记手续后, 诊疗所职员会发给他一张诊卡和一个排队等候看医生的号码。

综合诊疗所的诊费是成人7元, 六十五岁以上的成人和十八岁以下的学生5元;药费另计, 供一星期服用的药品收费从一元到四元不等;照光和验血也须缴费, 唯收费低廉,诊疗所的开放时间是星期一到期五从早上八点到下午一点, 再从下午二点到下午四点三十分, 星期六则从上午八点到中午十二点三十分。


政府医院提拱专科门诊服务,综合诊疗所的医生和私人执业医生都可写介绍信介绍病人去看政府医院的专科医生,病人首次求诊收费40至50元, 覆诊每次20至30元.

院费视病房等级而定, "C"级病房之每天收费元, "A1"级病房每天收费元;此外, 化验, X光检验和其它如手术等服务, 则另外收费.


私人执业医生的诊费一般上从12元起, 视治疗性质而定,私人专科医生, 如整形外科医生或妇科医生的收费则较高, 从50元起;私人医院和重组的政府医院收费比政府医院来得高, 各医院的收费也不一, 四人病房收费每天从120元起, 单人病房收费每天由335元起。


在所有组屋区里都有几间私人诊所, 开放时间由早上9:00时至下午5:00时, 有些诊所在周末由早上9:00 时至中午12:00也有营业;为了使你的家人得到更好的医疗照顾, 是找一位在你家附近的诊所医生作为家庭医生。新加坡留学生可以到那里看病,其家庭医生还是比较好的。方便学生看诊。




