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2023-08-10 01:49:21
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!签证培训大纲Visa Training(根据个人情况合理回答~)真正的合格的学生real and qualified student体现在:1.国内学校:在读证明study certificate、成绩单transcri


Visa Training


真正的合格的学生real and qualified student


1. 国内学校:在读证明study certificate、成绩单transcript、各种证书certificates

1) School:

2) Grade:

3) Ranking:

4) Major:

5) Favorite subjects/courses:

6) Difficult subjects/courses:

7) :

8) :

2. 国外学校:I-20(学生签字)、语言考试成绩language score(IBT或者IELTS等)、标准考试成绩standard tests(SSAT、SAT、GRE、GMAT等)

1) School (How much do you know about the school):

2) Grade:

3) How long will you study in the USA:

4) When the school starts (When will you leave for the USA):

5) Will your parents accompany you to the USA?

6) IBT/IELTS (when; can you follow the study-School interview):


8) Major:

9) Visa Type:

10) How do you know this school(Why choose this school):

11) What will you do after graduation:

12) Where will you live in the USA:

13) How many schools did you applied/recruited you:

14) How many schools interviewed you? When? How? Who? Result? Why?

15) Why do you want to study at this school:

16) Who helped you apply the schools:

17) Why do you want to study in the USA/Why don’t you want to study in China?

18) Have you ever been to the USA? When? For what?

19) Do you have any USA visas?

有足够的资金sufficient funds


1. 存款(存款证明)deposit (deposit certificate)

2. 房、车、有价证劵house, car, securities

3. 公司(执照、税务登记证等)business license, tax registration

4. 收入证明income certificates

1) How much will you spend in the USA each year?

2) How do you support your study (Who will support your study)?

3) How much is you sponsor’ annual/yearly income?

4) What do your parents do?

5) Bank deposit certificate



1. 家庭family

2. 财产fortune

3. 事业career

Do you have any relatives or friends in the USA?

Do you want to work in USA after graduation?

Have you ever been to other countries?

What will you do after graduation?

Will your parents go with you?

Is there anyone helped your visa interview? (My parents and I)

What do you want to do in the future?

What is the thing you like best in the USA, and the best thing in China? (don’t like)

What is your best/worst quality?

Do you have sisters or brothers?

What is your favorite America Movie?

Who is your advisor?

Who is the greatest leader in the world?

Do you have any scholarship?/Do you need financial aid?

Where is your hometown?

How did you come here?

Do you like/play computer games?

Do you know that military school is very strict?

Yes. I want to play more, but my parents think a young man shall receive strict education to become more perseverant and have teamwork spirit. What’s more, if I study hard, I can transfer to a better school in PA one year later.



