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2023-08-07 17:19:49
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家! 英文求职简历专指应届大学毕业生为了找到一份合适的工作,向用人单位介绍自己才能和专长,以使对方接纳自己的一系列材料,那你知道英文简历该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的英文版留学简历模板,相信对你会有帮助的。 英文版留




Name: Dahong Xu Rainy

Address: 601-3-8 Gudang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China



Guildford College of F. and H.E. May--June 2007 Short course in Culinary Arts and English

Stoke Park


Surry, England

Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School Sep.2005—Jun.2006 Culinary Arts

Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Sep.2002—Jun.2005 General School Studies

Exams Taken

Hangzhou Zhongce Vocational School End of semester’s exams 2005--2006

English, Chinese, Math, Operations&theory

Hangzhou Fengtan Middle School Final exam 2005

English, Chinese, Math, Science

End of semester’s exams 2002--2005

English, Chinese, Math, Science


Practical experience during studies

Personal Interests and Hobbies:

In the free time I enjoy reading novels if it is interesting I will keep on reading. And I like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. Also I enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.


Kevin Hooper


Guildford College


Surry, England




Event Team Manager of Innovation Society

Responsible for organizing the Society's 2008-2009 social programme ; managed team to meet strict deadline and goals,managed events with in budget and preparatioin,recruited membership through Fresher's Fair,liaise with Students Union and departments across the college.

Volunteer of the YOUNG VOLUNTEER in Guangzhou,P.R.CHINA

Organised to visit the children in orphanage who has speaking difficulties and mental handicap and soci activities with elderly and people who have Hansen's disease and moving difficulties;responsible for planning routes,appointment booking,sche *** ng activities.


Technical Skills

My degree course is both technically demanding and rewarding,involving high levels of training in numeracy puting and engineering skills. My third year project, Flowsheeting,was to design a chemical plant to meet specific requirements,which involved considerations of a whole range of issues,such as separation processes economic potential and environmental considerations .I have dealt with huge quantity of data and have managed to turn them into meaningful rmation in the project. The project also provides me a considerable experience of using professional software to solve problems.

unication Skills:

Through all academic projects, I have developed strong munication skills and enjoyed working with people with diverse backgrounds. In additon,I am a good listener in a team and I am able to coordinate all the arguments to produce constructive decision. In my spare time, I have taken a part-time job in the student union shop in Imperial College London and my interpersonal skills are further improved.

Organisational Skills

Currently as a fourth year undergraduate student, I have a demanding schedule of elective lectures coursework ,job hunting and part-time job. Under such tremendous pressure, I am well-organized and manage to excel in all the different tasks. In addition, I love travelling in Europe and all the previous trip were planned properly by myself.

Information Technology

I am a frequent user of two operation systems,Microsoft Windows and Mac OS. During my academic years, I have been extensively trained to perform technical modeling and data *** ysis with professional softwares such as Maple, Matlab and Aspen. Moreover , I am very familiar with the mercial software package Microsoft Office and I am proficient in using the advanced model drawing software , Solid Works.

Language Skills

I am fluent in English and I am a native speaker of Chinese, including Mandarin,Cantonese and Taiwanese. In addition, I have mastered junior-level Japanese in both conversation as well as writing, and I am currently taking courses to improve it.


name: XXX

address: ***, hangzhou, zhejiang, china

tel mobile:***



guildford college of f. and h.e. may--june 2007 short course in culinary arts and english

stoke park


surry, england

hangzhou zhongce vocational school sep.2005—jun.2006 culinary arts

hangzhou fengtan middle school sep.2002—jun.2005 general school studies

exams taken

hangzhou zhongce vocational school end of semester’s exams 2005--2006

english, chinese, math, operations&theory

hangzhou fengtan middle school final exam 2005

english, chinese, math, science

end of semester’s exams 2002--2005

english, chinese, math, science

work experience

practical experience during studies

personal interests and hobbies:

in the free time i enjoy reading novels if it is interesting i will keep on reading. and i like playing with animals especially dogs and cats. also i enjoy watching films may be all the kinds of the films except war and action, and listening to the international music, but my favorite thing is learning languages.




 Curriculum Vitae

 Name:            Gender: Male

 Date of Birth:         Place of Birth: China

 Marital status: SingleLanguage: English, proficient

 Telephone:          Email:

 Education Experience

 September 1989 - July 1993

 Department of Electrical Engineering, Shenyang Institute of Aeronautics

 * Majored in Radio Engineering

 * Won a third-class Award in the Contest of Technological Facture & Experimental Skills in Electronics and Electrician, for Students from the Colleges affiliated to the Ministry of Aeronautics & Astronautics

 *Masterful in analog circuit, power circuit, switching power circuit, operation and amplification; proficient in solving problems related to analog circuit.

* Bachelor of Engineering Degree obtained in July 1993

 September 1993 - July 1996

 Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics

 * Majored in Communication & Electrical System

 * Main field of research was contemporary communication circuit, especially on high efficiency, high frequency power amplifier (Class E and Class S).

 *Instructed undergraduate students in their research on wide band frequency multiplier

 * My diploma thesis was The Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing System of an Airplane

 * Read extensively on electromagnetic compatibility and its testing, obtained a through knowledge on the test of electromagnetic compatibility, and on the solutions (methods and instrument) to the issues of electromagnetic compatibility. Familiar with the testing standards, especially the GJB and the MTL-STD

 * Master of Engineering Degree obtained in July 1996

 Work Experience

 January 1994 - December 1995

 * Chairted the research and development work in the Nanjing Leader Electronics Company

 * Independently developed 3 types of charging devices and management systems for telephones, LDJF-I, LDJF-II and LDJF-1, and their volume of sales exceeded a total of 5,000.

 * Became the Copartner and Chief Engineer of the company at the end of 1995

 January 1996 - August 1999

 Chief Engineer, Nanjing Leader Electronics Company

 * Hosted the refinement of HTD-80 Program Controlled Telephone Exchanger by adding an E & M trunk.

 *Primary designer of the HTD-120 Program Controlled Telephone Exchanger

 * Perfection of the SSC-2 Telecontrol System, which obtained the commercial approval from the Ministry of Electrical Power Resource

 *Took charge of the quality control and production of the company

 *Perfection of the FFT Algorithm Program for alternative current sampling in the SSC-2 System, which was used to measure harmonic wave

 * In the research and development processes, read extensively on production reliability and solved many problems related to production reliability and electromagnet compatibility

 * Designed the management board by using an Intel 80C188EB processor, studied the TC 2.0 Compiler and rewrote its startup code, and developed a locator and a simple debugging tool

 * Lead the development of the Supervision System for Petroleum Tanks, based on the SSC-2 System, for the Yangtze Petroleum Chemical Works

 * Chaired the development of the Data Collection Device for Electrical Power Charging System, which was not finished before my departure from the company

 * Retrieved a lot of literatures on field bus and real time operating systems, including CAN, Hart, Lonworks, ProfiBus, FF, Arcnet, Ethernet

 October 1999 - March 2000

 * Technological Center for Operation & Maintenance, the Beijing Telecommunication Administration

 * Tracing and research on Internet media technology

 * Developed a dial box

 March 2000 - October 2000

 Beijing OrientTech Network & Telecommunication Technology Ltd. Co.

 * Project Manager of the Automatic Call Distribution in a Call Center, and the Manager of the Hardware Department simultaneously

 * As the Head of the Research & Development Division, took charge of four projects, including ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) Modem (PCI, USB); ADSL Router; DSLAM with 16 ADSL ports and one 100 M Ethernet Port; migration of the RouteWare Protocol Stack

 Skills & Capability

 * Masterful in electronic circuit; MCS 51, MCS 96, X86 series; ADSL, MSDSL, HDSL, E 1; industrial supervision and control; program controlled telephone exchanger and TCP/IP

 * A thorough knowledge on MPC 8XX, MPC 82XX and field bus

 * As far as software ability is concerned, I am good at assembler of MCS 51, X86; PL/M-51, PL/M-96, PL/M-86; Turbo C, and visual C++

 Position Desired

 * Department manager

 * Project manager

 * Research & development engineer

 * Advanced field engineer





 一,个人信息,即PersonalInformation. 包括姓名,出生日期,性别,地址,联系电话和电子邮箱等。

 1) 西方人经常混淆姓与名,导致录取后发的I20表格上姓名颠倒。然后还得联系学校修改后再邮递过来,很麻烦。所以建议在简历或者填各种申请表格中采用姓的汉语拼音都大写,名的汉语拼音仅首字母大写,姓与名的先后次序倒不重要。当然,还可以把自己的姓名及性别作为简历的标题如Mr. Ming ZHANG.

 2) 在美国,出生日期的格式是月日年。如1987年5月28日出生,那么应填05/28/1987.

 3) 地址一定填准确,否则可能延误收到录取包裹。如果家庭住址不方便收包裹,可以在简历里分开写上mailing address (邮寄地址)和permanent address(家庭地址),这样学校一般会把包裹寄至mailing address。如果你住的是小巷小街,建议不要翻译地址,直接使用拼音。

 4) 联系电话的话应该在电话钱加区号和国家号(0086),用短横线隔开,城市区号前不加“0”。

 5) 电子邮箱非常重要,一定留一个有效的,因为申请过程中邮件会成为你和学校间的.主要沟通方式。


 三,工作或科研经历,即Working& Research Experience.也是倒时间把重要的经历写出来,和申请专业相关的经历可以稍微详细点。包括公司名称,工作岗位,主要职责与成就等。申请研究生学历,这部分比较重要,尤其是MBA专业,一定好好写。

 四,课外活动。即ExtracurricularActivities. 主要展现个人素质的全面发展,以及个人对集体和社会的责任感。本科申请者很多都是无工作实习和科研经历,所以这部分尽量能写多些。但重点突出,平淡无奇或者对申请专业无多大关联的就不用写了。



 七,个人技能,即skills. 最好按照与申请专业相关程度决定先后,联系越紧或越重要的技能一般放最前面。




