您现在的位置是:首页» 留学» 攻略» 当SLEP面试的考官用英文问你为什么想要出国留学的话怎么用英文回答?不要太难但是要有逻辑有道理。t


2023-08-07 01:42:43
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!Going abroad would be an interesting experience for me and a great support for my future. A much open and creat

Going abroad would be an interesting experience for me and a great support for my future. A much open and creative education is what I always want to experience. It could allow me to study independently. Such academic skills is very valuable for my furture. Going to another country could also be a challenge but I like changes and challenges. The different cultural diversity could make me think differently, from more aspects. I would be very happy to adapt a new environment and make new friends.


1、What are the specific reasons that you have chosen to pursue advanced study in this field?

2、What kind of person are you?

3、Who is the most important person in your life?Why?

4、Why do you think our school fits you? How do you adapt to the city, to the school?

5、What other educational institutions have you applied to, or are you interested in, and why?


在中国大陆,学生把前往香港、澳门等地区的学习也称为留学,这是由于这些地区有着不同的教育制度。另外,美国等国家组织的一类海外短期的交换学生计划,其英文名字“Study abroad”直译也为留学,请参见海外研修(中国大陆称为海外交流)。




标签: 英文 要有 考官