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2023-08-02 00:41:37
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!问题一:在本科期间短期(几个月)的出国学习用英文怎么讲?是visiting scholar?还是什么? 5分 exchang program 问题二:留学顾问的英文怎么说? 留学顾问-overseas 阀tud

问题一:在本科期间短期(几个月)的出国学习用英文怎么讲?是visiting scholar?还是什么? 5分 exchang program

问题二:留学顾问的英文怎么说? 留学顾问-overseas 阀tudy consultant

会计 - accounting

问题三:出国留学,用英文咋说 ab触oad study certificate 是出国留学证明的意思!

study abroad是正解!

问题四:"游学"英文翻译是什么? 游学的英文翻译,现代翻译“游学”是“yoosure”!


1,Study Abroad

2,[旧]study in some other place or abroad

看到上面的游学的英文翻译,可能你就会明白那些说法都已经是过往从前的认识了,如果将上述英文翻译成中文的话,意思大概就是“国外求学”。但是这样的说法会有几个问题,留学_百度翻译study abroad你会发现,“游学”和“留学”的翻译居然是一样的!

可是,什么是游学,游学是什么意思呢?现代教育意义上的游学,是20世纪随着世界和平潮流和全球化发展进程而产生,并逐渐成熟的一种国际性跨文化体验式教育模式(Experiential Learning Model)。简单的解释游学就可以解读成“边游历边求学这样的一个过程”,游学另一个很重要的点就是时间,一般游学的时间是半年之内的,国内的游学线路如果你了解或者参加过的话,暑假一般是3-5周,寒假则2-4周不会太长,所以游学并非如留学一样可以长期的在海外呆着。

那么新时代了,“游学”该如何翻译呢?现代解释游学的直接翻译就是“yoosure”,这个词语有短期海外边游边学的内涵,并且读音也有中文“游学”的音,是被美国教育界所认可的词。学生在游学期间(一般1-4周)到国外,学习语言课程、参观当地名校、入住当地学校或寄宿家庭、参观游览国外的主要城市和著名景点,真正做到了学和游的结合。所以一定要与留学study abroad有所区分,还请各位老师和学员注意了解!游学的英文翻译来自游学网官方。

问题五:留学生英文怎么说? 现在比较多的说法是International Student。。。

问题六:普通人想短期出国学习语言,一定要英语考过什么标准吗,有什么条件呀 雅思4级才可以

问题七:留学中介用英文怎么说 Overseas Affairs Service Agency,这个是我曾经委托的一个中介的名字。

问题八:出国短期英语培训 想要学好英语,不能单靠学习外语的机构,毕竟学习是自己的,别人不能帮助太多,只有自己努力并将心交出来,定能有所收获. 如果你真的想参加外语学习,我建议你参加电话英语,那里在英语口语方面比较好,较适合你,主要是 学习环境好,有一个好的学习气氛,就能培养学习兴趣,才能最好地提高你的英语水平=


问题九:短期出国留学之前,如何提高英语能力? 10分 还是得自己多下工夫,雅思是肯定得,多练习口语,多跟人沟通学习,推荐你看看尚友学院街,里面有很多关于大学排名,留学,排名,真题,校园攻略的帖子,还有很多热门校园,热门话题,希望对你有用~~~

Individual programs

I call ShaoLiQin from fuzhou, LianJiangXian, 2008 graduated in fuzhou, fujian economic school in fuzhou mathematics and computer science institute, learning is the electronic computer network, after a year's hard work, I found that with the development of science and technology, the application of computer, and more and more wide fan of talents required is higher, but now employment form severe, every year there are many college students to find work. So I want to learn accounting major, accounting for a company, it is very important to become a successful businessman, financial knowledge is very important. I hope my future parents can have a better development, hence think I will accept higher education to America.

American financial accounting standards will be the key research, and for many countries to follow suit. So I want to study in America. Through the network to help me, I will find that this is one of the 15 at Columbia University in this university, I will read the second year in linguistics, that can help me better in America's growth and learning environment. I think in the open, free environment, you can get a better knowledge, get more advanced concepts. And my parents have fixed income and work in the study, also can get funding the full support of parents.

Well, I will return, to become a good accountant, accounting for universal language of business, in China's accession to the WTO, the integration of the world economy plays an important role. In China's economic development level and capital market, and adapt to the international accounting practices and the trend of global economic integration coordination theory and method of the accounting process, we should better learn from foreign advanced experience. I want to use their knowledge in the school to learn, to apply their career, the introduction of foreign advanced idea, let this idea in China's spread. And because I was the only home care, I will come back to parents.




标签: 英文