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2023-07-31 03:13:02
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家! 中国人如今经济发展良好,有钱了,生活水平提高了,于是许多人出国旅游或是留学。出国,那么就要申请,在申请的过程中就会出现许多的问题。美国留学申请中的个人陈述是至为重要的一个环节。不仅仅是表达申请的目的和动机,更是要表达出申



 Ten years from now Tim Dickson won't even remember my name. The unknowing recipient of my undying love for two years, Tim had been everything a girl could ever ask for: smart, handsome, witty, and athletic, with a voice that could make angels weep. Everyone knew his name. To a shy little country mouse, nearly invisible in our student body, he was the epitome of manliness. I sat in my corner of room C-119 and gazed adoringly at his profile as he amazed the class of Modern World History with his dashing style. Carefully planning the routes to my classes to coincide with his, I was his silent shadow.

 After fourteen months, contrary to my hopes, Tim still was not aware of my existence. Determined to bring myself to his attention, I staged my entrance to his heart with all the flair I could muster. I would breach his defenses at the next history oral presentation in the guise of the dashing Cardinal Richelieu.

 It was now or never! Striding into the classroom, my head raised, eyes flashing, I stood proudly, the colors of my eighteenth-century costume catching the light and giving me courage. My opening line shook with tight emotion. "Gentlemen, I am disgusted!" My voice alternately lashed out in rage and purred in soft persuasion. I gloried in my elocution. Each word was power. My voice rose to a brilliant conclusion, and I stood with my arms outstretched and my head bowed in submission.

 Dead silence.

 My left knee trembled uncontrollably. Why did no one speak? My hands began to shake so I pulled them behind me-like one condemned. My eyes gauged the distance to the door.

 Then someone began to clap. More joined in. Tim looked into my eyes and smiled. He smiled!

 Joy, oh joy. My soul overflowed with rapture. I had done it! He noticed me! All the shame, all the worry, and all the castigation melted away in that moment. I knew how to make him love me. I simply had to speak better, sing better, act better, and write better than anyone else. Determined, I joined competitions, played in concerts, and wrote essays that were read in class. When Tim transferred to the A.P. class, so did I. I threw myself into class discussions, attempting to dazzle him with my intelligence and intrepidity. Making friends with his friends, I dogged his steps.

 The next summer Tim moved away. I never heard from him again. But the transformation in me had taken place. Now I was involved for the simple pleasure of being involved. Challenging people surrounded me. Biff taught me to love. Dave taught me to laugh. Ramez taught me to break my limits. Alit gave me confidence. Whenever I was in danger of reverting to a wallflower, one of my new friends would drag me into another club or activity.


出国 留学 可以让我们领略国外的 文化 、美景,感受当地的人文风光。申请出国留学当然是要写本科留学申请文书的。下面就是我给大家带来的2021本科留学申请文书 范文 怎么写_2021留学申请文书,希望能帮助到大家!


Dear _,

I believe that university offers an excellent opportunity to further my learning in a more challenging environment and to deepen my understanding of the knowledge and skills I already have.

I am keen on all aspects of business, but am particularly interested in accountancy/finance and management.

Through my current study I have learned to be more computer literate and how to effectively manage my time. I became interested in accountancy when studying the finance unit in business studies and I am now completing an As level in this subject as I felt this would give me a sound footing when starting my university course

I gained an As level in sociology which has sharpened my ability to analyse information in depth, which is vital for management. Sociology has also helped me appreciate people’s different needs in society, which I see as an important feature in business

One responsibility that I held for a year was the role of the middle school prefect. This helped me to gain an insight into typical basic management responsibilities. In Year 13 I then became a senior prefect and our role within the school is to help out with such activities as fund raising and the school fate

Taking part in the Young Enterprise scheme taught me many skills; how to work independently and with a team which was one of the keys to our company’s success as “best company”

I attended a young enterprise presentation day where we were privileged to listen to guests speaking about becoming an entrepreneur. This brief course inspired me with a wish to one day own my own business. I feel that an accountancy/finance and management course will help me to place myself in the sector in which I am most interested and give me the aspiration to eventually achieve this In the sixth form work experience is optional but I believed I would gain great benefit from such a placement. I was fortunate to get a two-week placement in Lloyds TSB bank in Nottingham. I was given a great deal of responsibility; my time was divided into various departments such as the customer service department, finance department, balancing accounts with the cashiers. As a result of my success with Lloyds TSB the manager offered me full time employment with training should I decide to take that route

I held a part time job for 2 1/2 years in which I worked as a counter assistant in a busy restaurant in my local town. From this I learned many skills such as working in a fast busy environment, handling money and a great deal of customer service and teamwork

In my spare time I enjoy socialising with my friends and family. I enjoy reading and one of my favourite authors is Terry Pratchet. I enjoy music and I listen to many different styles. I am particularly interested in IT and much of my time is spent researching on the web

From my experiences and personal ambition I am confident that I have the necessary self-motivation and commitment to succeed in accountancy finance and management and I look forward to taking advantage of all the opportunities that university life has to offer.

Yours sincerely,




















爱丁堡是苏格兰首府,位于苏格兰中部,是英国的历史文化名城。爱丁堡的 教育 也很发达,英国最古老的大学之一爱丁堡大学就坐落于此,现在还是世界顶尖。全球权威世界 大学排名 QS2019年把爱丁堡大学排名世界18位,位列苏格兰地区第一名。






利兹是英国约克夏——横勃塞得地区首府,是一个集文化、艺术和商业于一体的城市。利兹的绿化非常好,公园、 高尔夫球 场和绿化带约占全市总面积的三分之二之多,是欧洲绿化城市之一,曾经被英国政府授予“环境优良城市”称号的四个城市之一。


一、 兴趣 爱好












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