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留学计划书 翻译成英文

2023-07-26 15:57:57
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!赴韩国留学学习计划书Prospectus to study abroad in South Korea 我的名字是***。我从很早便开始对韩国的各个方面产生了浓厚的兴趣。韩国是传统的东方礼仪之邦,具有悠久的历史和灿烂的文化


Prospectus to study abroad in South Korea


My name is ***. I have been greatly interested in the various aspects of South Korea culture for a long time. South Korea is an oriental traditional etiquette nation which possesses a long history and splendid culture. And the modern Korea has also made rapid and spectacular achievements in economy, technology and culture. Nowadays an increasing and frequent communication is undertaken between the South Korea and China which makes me even more anxious to receive the education in Korea. Operation and management has been my most preference, so I want to go to Korea to study the relevant knowledge and widen my horizons as well as enriching my minds.

祥明大学作为世界水准的综合大学,具有优良的教学和学术传统以及世界竞争力。祥明大学以其悠久的历史、庞大的规模和顶尖的教授阵容来提供了其他大学无法比拟的优良的学习研究环境。在这样优秀的大学里尽情学习的渴望之下我决定申请祥明大学的经营管理专业。希望贵校能我一个机会,我会珍惜难能 宝贵的学习机会,在宝贵的学习时间里,努力提高自己的专业水平。

Sangmyung University, as one of the world-class universities, has excellent teaching and academic tradition and world competitiveness. Sangmyung University provides incomparable excellent study and research environment based on its long history, large-scale, and lineup of top professors. With the aspiration to study in such an outstanding university I decided to apply for the business management major in Sangmyung University. I will cherish such an valuable opportunity to study hard in order to enhance my speciality level during the semesters.


When I arrive in Korea, I plan to adapt myself to the new environment as soon as possible, study hard the professional knowledge with earnestness. I will be strict to myself, to prove myself by practical actions. Studying in South Korea, I will devote in the study with greatest enthusiasm and to engage in the learning and living there.


South Korea also leaves a good expression for my parents. They agree with me to study in South Korea. Therefore, I decided to apply for studying in South Korean. I will study hard, and give full play to my advantages, and make contribution in the future. I will spare no efforts to make best achievement in South Korea to pay back my parents who encourage me studying abroad.


After the studying in South Korea completed, I plan to return to my country to continue my study in order to combine the knowledge I learned in South Korea with that in China, and to promote the enhancement of my specialized level. After the graduation I will engage in the correlative work with my major. I will contribute my knowledge and power to the further mutual communication and understanding between China and South Korea as well as an entire closer cooperation and the development of all the Asian countries.

1、Some 38% person thought that goes abroad to study may let the student accept a better education。

2、The study abroad not only may study English, but may also make more money, has the future。

3、62% people oppose to go abroad, because they thought that goes abroad to study must spend the massive money, what spends is in domestic more than 10 times!

4、The guardians worried that the premature contact society, easy to fail to study in the strange environment!!!!


