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 To obtain an offer of acceptance into the Master Program in Economics or relative area

 Education Background

 09/2004-07/2007 xxxx University

 School of Economics, Department of Economics

 GPA: 3.0/4.0 (overall), XX/4.0 (major)

 Degree: Bachelor

 Professional & Research Experience

 2005 Research on Development Economics of xx University Economics College

 Description: Peasant worker’s living conditions and reason of entering into city in xx

 Position: leader of the group

 Responsibilities: designed the questionnaire and sent it out randomly in xxx.

 Organized the members to investigate and composed the report——Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas

 2005 xxx University Economy Investigation of xxx, xx province,

 Responsibilities: Assist the professor to communicate with the local government and enterprises, collecting the datum and composed the thesis——Research Report on self-supporting economic model of xx

 2006 research on the data of China xxand China xx,

 Description: Analyzed the present status and future development trend of China xx and

 China xx from the view point of industrial economics and analyzed

 the present status and future development situation of China xx industry.

 2005 xx Business Strategy Competition

 Description: The competition simulates the international cosmetic market in a new economics environment by software. Combining with all the main factors, each group operates a suppositional cosmetic company on the internet and competes with another suppositional one. Final competition result lies on the price of stock. Though the internet environment is the suppositional one, the professional knowledge and skills and the management of a company is similar with the real one, so the joiner should give a complete decision-making.

 Achievements: Practiced my professional knowledge and the operation ability in Economics, and improve my ability of analysis and planning.

 2005 xx University Challenge Cup

 Description: Award for 5.4 Youth Science of xxx University Challenge Cup, which is the most

 Influential honor in xxx University, is the highest prize in the extracurricular

 activates of xx University.

 Achievements: Designed a topic about financial market, I did a good research on the current

 situation bout Chinese financial market, and improve my research ability and

 operation with my classmates.

 Publication & Paper

 Research Report on self-supporting economic model of xx published on

 Future Economist, xxx University.

 Dynamic Reason Analysis on the Migration of Rural Labor to Urban Areas

 Analysis on Developmental Restrict Factor of Chinese Third Industry

 The Inventor of xxx, Analysis of Marketing Strategy of xx Internet Development Co.,Ltd

 Report of Analysis of xxx Industry Analysis

 Report of Research of Rural Agriculture Development

 Social Activities

 2003-2004 Planer of Youth Volunteer Association of xxx University

 2003-2004 Volunteer of Love Society of xx University

 2003-2004 English Culture Communication Association xxUniversity

 2003-2004 Member of Consultation Society xx University

 2003-2005 Member of Outside Department, Green Life Society, xxx University

 2004-2005 Member of Slipper Association xxx University

 Standard Test

 TOEFL:627 TWE: 5.0 Date: 08/19/2006

 GRE:1190 TWE: 5.0 Date: 06/06/2006

 Computer Skills

 Proficient in office software such as word,excel,PowerPoint and FrontPage,

 Excellent ability of cartography and webpage making

 Proficient in photoshop, dreamweaver, fireworks and Macromedia Flash

 Having the foundation of programme (C language and VB)

 Comprehending asp and php

 Proficient in economics software:eviews,spss and sas


 To obtain an offer of acceptance into MS/PHD program in XXXX for the fall 2007


 Gender:Female Date of Birth:XX/XX/XXX

 Citizenship:People’s Republic of China Native Place:Beijing


 09/2002—07/2006 XX Science and Engineering University

 Degree:Bachelor Major: Economics

 GPA (major):80/100 GPA (overall): 80/100


 8/2006- present Reporter of China Financial and Economic News


 Took charge of new report about the affairs of enterprise department and international department of Financial Ministry, xx Bank, xx Development Bank PRC Resident Mission, and xx Union PRC Resident Mission; published a lot articles and gained excellent manuscript award ; Reported relevant economics subject about grass roots and published many articles

 xxx,11/2006 interviewed xxx, vice president of xx Bank, in Summit of the Forum on xxx Cooperation


 Referred to relevant background, and knew the hot issues of Chinese international economy to which World Bank paid attention; caught the right opportunity to win interview time.

 Completed manuscripts, ensured the information true and believable, patiently waited for the examination by certain organs and sent articles

 5/2006 – 6/2006 xxTV-3 worked as a writing and directing clerk in my internship


 Participated in planning and making “Good Life”, which was highly thought of

 6/2005 – 8/2005 xxx Company, had internship in Human Resource Department


 Helped to deal with administration business, and participated in the planning and operation. The leaders of the company were satisfied with my performance and hoped me to work in their company after my graduation.


 TOEFL: 617 ( 08 /19 / 2006 ) TWE: 5.0 Date: 08/19/2006

 GRE:1190 TWE: 5.0 Date: 06/06/2006


 2005—2006 Third National Scholarship

 2004 Excellent Cadre of Students at xx Science and Engineering University





 09/2003—07/2007 xxxxx of Fine Arts, China

 Specialty:The Chinese Ink Wash Figure Painting


 Middle School affiliated to xxxxx of Fine Arts, Beijing 09/2000—07/2003 ?Senior high school

 Personal Skills

 Calligraphy, Seal Cutting, Print Woodcarving, Print Stone Carving, ?Sculpture

 Personal Works

 2006 The works of Ink Wash Sketch named “Girls Series” was selected for the ?exhibition of the 4th in May Art Cover Works in xxx of Fine Arts

 07/2005 Awarded the only golden prize of China in the brushwork contest of ?“Silk Road of the New Century” held by xxxxxxGroup

 2005 Went to Anhui Province for Sketch, and the works of “Hong Village ?Series” was collected by Chinese Painting Department

 2004 The works of “going to the Countryside for Sketch” was selected for ?the exhibition of Teaching Excellent Works in the end of year in China Central ?Academy of Fine Arts

 2001 The color sketch of “Still Life” portraying Middle School Attached to ?xxx of Fine Arts was left in school for collection

 The works of “Still Life” was also collected into the book of “Classical ?Works Collection of Teachers and Students for 50 Anniversary of Middle School ?Attached to xxx of Fine Arts” which was published in 2004

 Teaching Experience

 Tutored the art students more than 50 prepared for College Entrance ?Examination during the vocation, and now these students have been accepted by ?all kinds of art academies and comprehensive university

 Activity Experience

 2004 Was elected as the Chairman of the second Student Union in Chinese ?Painting Department

 12/2003 Organized the students of Chinese Painting Department to ? participate in performance activity for celebrating the New Year in China ?Central xxof Fine Arts

 2003 Was elected as the Organization Department Secretary of Student Union ?of Chinese Painting Department in China xcademy of Fine Arts was elected as the ?Monitor and Commissary in charge of sports in class

 2003 Was elected as the Proprietor of Diligently Studying Society in China ?Central xx of Fine Arts

 Honor experience

 2005 Awarded the third scholarship in xxx of Fine Arts

 2004 Awarded the honor of the excellent student leader in social work in ?xxx of Fine Arts


 Photograph, Going to the Countryside for Multi-Culture Collaborative ?Learning Project (exercitation in 31 places all over the country



 To obtain a LLM program


 09/2003-06/2007 Shenzhen University, China

 Major: Law

 Bachelor of Law

 GPA: 2.7/4.0

 Internship experience

 xxxx Procuratorate

 Resonbility:Responsibility: a juror and participating in the adjudication ?many times

 xxxxLaw Firm 2004/1—2004/2

 Position; law Assistant

 Resonbility:mainly reading the documents of civil cases, giving the ?suggestions,

 helping the lawyer to do some Legal Writing, and participated the cournt ?with the

 lawyer to tale note.

 xxxx Law Firm 2004/7—2004/9

 Position:law Assistant

 Resonbility:1 mainly asistant the lawyer to so something, includidng ?registering,

 permorming, andpatticipating to draf out and auditing the contract.

 2 every day managing, communicating with court activily and

 correspond well with the party.

 xxxx People’s Procuratorate, Anticorruption Bureau, No. 2 Reconnaissance ?Section 2005.7—2005.9

 Resonbility:Checking the bank accounts of the criminal suspicion, running ?after with

 criminal suspicion,checking the habitation of criminal suspicion, dealing ?with the law writing and cooperate with the nt to deal with the cases.

 xxx District People’s Procuratorate 2006.2—2006.4

 Responsibility: dealint with the documents of public prosecution, ? participating the interrogation, presenting in the court to support public ?prosecution, and managing the documents.

 Compliance Bureau xx Court 2006.7-2006.9

 Position: Court Clerk

 English Literacy


