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2023-07-20 13:41:18
本内容由留学生招生网小编为大家分享关于留学申请、留学签证、留学费用等留学攻略,希望能够帮助到大家!出国留学推荐信格式要求+模板+范文 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。



 1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。

2. 必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久),认识程度(偶尔见面或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等)。

3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价,这是推荐信的核心。主要包括被推荐者的天赋,学习成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。

4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。













如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5%,10%,或25%等。这种评估是指教授的个人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填"I don't know",亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。

推荐信尾必须有推荐人的亲笔签名,直接由推荐人寄给学校招生办官员或申请就读学校的系主任。如果由被推荐人寄送,可将推荐信装入信封内封好后由推荐人在信封口处亲笔签名以示保密。信封正面注明"A Letter Of Recommendation",表明这是一封推荐信。



 At the request of Mr. Xizhen Chen, my former student in the Department of puter Science, Beijing Univ. of Sciences, I am glad to write this letter furnishing my evaluation ofhis academic aptitude for your reference. Mr. Chen is interested in your graduate program in puter Science.I came to know him in September 1987 when Mr. Chen enrolled in my class on FORTRAN IV Programming, a three semesters’ course.In the class he was one of the most outstanding students. At the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be "A" according to our grading system. I also ound him good at other studies.After the class, he had personal talks with me several times. He indicated a great interest in puter hardware, In my opinion, Mr. Chen has a potential in puter Science, which can be further developed.In view of his previous achievement s in this College, I am firmly convinced that Mr. Chen will make a successful graduate student. Your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated.


 Dear Admissions mittee:

 Among all the students who have received my instruction in the courses of “International Marketing” and “Strategic Management” at ABC University, Mr. John Doe is one of the few who stood out and left with me a positive impression. Therefore, I am confident to remend this young man to your prestigious MBA program.

 John is a bright and aggressive individual who possesses a strong motivation to learn and excel in his course work. Unlike most of his peers, who gained knowledge merely from school lecturing, John would spend a great amount of efforts and time in reading outside articles and textbooks and share his ideas with the class. In addition, as an open- minded individual who never let go any learning experience, John often came to me discussing various questions and problems he encountered in his coursework.

 I would like hereby to draw upon an instance that I believe fully exemplifies John's academic ability. While attending my class he presented an excellent report focusing on the research of the European munity EC, in which he shared with us his careful observations on EC, and proposed a number of innovative suggestions for Taiwanese industries that wished to gain successful presence in that market. Having noticed his superior ability to conduct independent research studies and to support his arguments with logical quantitative *** yses, I remended John to submit his paper to the Accounting & Statistics Quarterly published by the Executive Yuan of R.O.C.. Needless to say, John has acquired very high marks in both of my courses.

 The very positive impression made by John has been repeatedly re- enforced by his strong performance in various extracurricular activities. John has managed to earn full confidence from me in his sound managerial potential by demonstrating an intelligence, aggressiveness, and leadership quality in both academic and extracurricular contexts.

 In general, I consider John a very promising applicant to your esteemed MBA program. I have the least reservation on his potential to succeed in his future educational as well as professional pursuit, and will be more than happy to discuss with you any matters pertaining to this reference letter.

 Sincerely yours


 To Whom It May Concern:

 Cheri Jackson is an extraordinary young woman. As her AP English Professor, I have seen many examples of her talent and have long been impressed by her diligence and work ethic. I understand that Cheri is applying to the undergraduate program at your school. I would like to remend her for admission.

 Cheri has outstanding organizational skills. She is able to successfully plete multiple tasks with favorable results despite deadline pressure. As part of a semester project, she developed an innovative collaborative novel with her clas *** ates. This book is now being considered for publication. Cheri not only headed the project, she ensured its success by demonstrating leadership abilities that her clas *** ates both admired and respected.I must also make note of Cheri’s exceptional academic performance. Out of a class of 150 students, Cheri graduated with honors in the top 10. Her above-average performance is a direct result of her hard work and strong focus.If your undergraduate program is seeking superior candidates with a record of achievement, Cheri is an excellent choice. She has consistently demonstrated an ability to rise to any challenge that she must face.

 To conclude, I would like to restate my strong remendation for Cheri Jackson. If you have any further questions regarding Cheri’s ability or this remendation, please do not hesitate to contact me using the rmation on this letterhead.


 Professor William Dot


