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2024-01-25 22:13:15
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PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。




PET(Preliminary English Test)是剑桥通用英语五级系列英语证书考试的第二级,该系列证书考试是为初级至高级各个水平的英语学习者设计的高质量的国际英语考试,是终生有效的英语能力证明。



三、求大神批改雅思5 test3大作文谢谢


1)选词:有几处的选词不够理想,比如 may need to lose their own benefit but generate 可能改成 may need to sacrify their own benefit。感觉整篇文章几个核心词汇用的太频繁,导致审美疲劳,比如 compete,competition,co-operate,co-operating 等,应该使用近义词替代。

2)有几处断句,比如:Also, co-operating means that getting help form others when meeting difficulties. 这里 that 引导的从句不完整,form 应该是 from。... they should be taught to co-operate

rather than compete become more useful adults. 这里的谓语动词 compete 和 become 重叠了,分不出来了。

3)第二段、第三段,和第四段很绕,尤其是关于第一段和第二段关于 benefit 的,想要表达的意思尽管相反,但很不清楚;句子结构过于拢还唤舸铡

4)第四段的 however,位置不正确。整段应该放在 firstly 之前比较好。

5)句子有很明显的语法问题,还有一些语义表达或是用法不正确的地方,比如:may help them to grow a more devoted and stronger person. 这里的 grow a peson 是不正确的,应该改成 personality。英语可以是 to be/become a stronger person, 或是 grow/develop a stronger personality,但没有 grow a person.

6)这篇文章,您采用了:好/坏同在一个段落里,导致了文章变成了 好/坏/好/坏/好/坏 穿插,也就变成读到最后时,不确定是好的多,还是坏的多;而最终,好的只有4成(在 firstly 段落),而坏的占了6成(在 secondly 和 however 段落)也导致了您的观点变得越来越模糊了,不确定您到底是支持 competition 还是 co-operation 了。


In recent years, there has been a heated debate about whether children should be encouraged to have a sense of competitiveness or they should be taught to co-operate in order to become more useful adults. This short passage will demonstrate two opinions and attempt to give two reasons why I agree with the idea that children should be taught to co-operate with one another than to compete against each other.

Though there are some advantages of being competitive, such as being able to tackle problems single-handedly, improve oneself, and boost one's self-ego, it is also very dangerous that this behaviour may easily become self-proud, aggresive, and self-centred if not carefully led. Children may end up in the endless chasing and comparing cycles, and weight too much on the result of losing/winning and blind themselves throughout the process of self-building.

On the other hand, encouraging children to co-operate with one another may help them to grow a more devoted and stronger personality, thus enabling them to be better team-players. Children will learn that co-operating with others may sometimes spell sacrifice for some, yet such sacrifice may actually be beneficial to the whole team. After all, if the whole team wins, all win, if the whole team loses, all lose. They will learn the value of team-spirit.

No one is perfect, yet when people work together, we can meet and make up each other's short-comings and become perfect as a unity. By encouraging children to co-operate, they learn to face each other's weaknesses and strengths. By co-operating with one another, they learn to cope with difficulties together, and solve obstacles as a team. They will learn a chain is as strong as its weakest link, and by working together, they can strengthen this weakest link.

It is said that a single chopstick is easily broken into two, yet a bunch will be almost indestructible. With the reasons

presented above, I agree with the opinion that children should be

taught to co-operate with one another rather than to compete against each other.





标签: 什么用 考试 pet