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2024-01-20 16:42:04
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Dear Dr。 Gomes:

I have read the announcement of the scholarship in chemistry that the University of Colorado is offering, and I would like to submit my application。  

The enclosed application form for admission to the graduate school of your university will give my educational history。   However, I would like to point out that I have just received an M。S。

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming


Dear Sir:

I am writing to you in the hope of obtaining the scholarship in history to support my study and some research work。  

I am a graduate student in the Department of History in the Northeast University for Nationalities。 In addition to study and research work, I also write books。   Recently I have finished a book on the history of the Oroqen nationality in China, which is to be published by the World Book Publishing House in the coming year。   I would like to focus on that field for my advanced studies。

Enclosed please find three letters of recommendation and my resume。   Thank you for your time and consideration。 I look forward to your reply。

Respectfully yours,

Li Ming



