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2023-07-18 03:27:34




  2.1 Operating system操作系统

  CS 140: Operating Systems (Spring 2020): This class introduces the basic facilities provided by modern operating systems.

  CS 140:操作系统(2020年春季):本课程介绍现代操作系统提供的基本设施。

  Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces is a good alternative that’s freely available online. We particularly like the structure and readability of the book, and feel that the exercises are worthwhile.

  2.2 Compiler编译原理

  The excellent introductory book: Crafting Interpreters


  CS143 compilers: Their knowledge generalizes; they are able to understand the operation of a new language more deeply and quickly than those who have merely learned specific languages.

  Compiler Explorer: Compiler Explorer is a handy website that lets you quickly write C code and see its assembly translation.

  2.3 Computer network计算机网络

  CS 144: Introduction to Computer Networking, Fall 2020

  CS 144:计算机网络导论,2020年秋季

  Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach is our favorite book on this topic. The small projects and exercises in the book are well worth doing, and we particularly like the “Wireshark labs”.

  2.4 Algorithm算法

  DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS: This course will cover the basic approaches and mindsets for analyzing and designing algorithms and data structures. Topics include the following: Worst and average case analysis. Recurrences and asymptotics.


  My preferred approach is to solve problems on Leetcode, some instructions are as follows:

  fucking-algorithm: Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.

  LeetCodeAnimation: Demonstrate all the questions on LeetCode in the form of animation.

  labuladong: very friendly for beginners, highly recommend!

  Finally, we strongly recommend How to Solve It as an excellent and unique guide to general problem solving; it’s as applicable to computer science as it is to mathematics

  2.5 Computer/Digital system design/architecture计算机/数字系统设计/架构

  CS110 Principles of Computer Systems: Principles and practice of engineering of computer software and hardware systems.


  Topics include: techniques for controlling complexity; strong modularity using client-server design, virtual memory, and threads; networks; atomicity and coordination of parallel activities. Besides, I also recommend to use this book--Computer Systems: A Programmers Perspective

  2.6 Database数据库

  One paper particularly worth mentioning for new students is “Architecture of a Database System”, which uniquely provides a high-level view of how relational database management systems (RDBMS) work. This will serve as a useful skeleton for further study. And for courses,

  Data Management and Data Systems: This course covers how to use databases in applications, first principles on how to scale for large data sets and how to design good data systems.





标签: 美国 核心 课程